Nov 20

One simple way to make your Thanksgiving even more meaningful

For many of us, leading up to Thanksgiving there’s a bustle of activity focused on what goes into the meal.

Who’s bringing what? Do I dare to try that new recipe? Do I have all the ingredients before holiday closures? Does the house look spotless? Is the table just right – like a page out of Good Housekeeping.

But what goes on over the plates overflowing with the season’s bounty, is much more significant: the conversation among friends and family. This Thanksgiving, we invite you to share more of your heart.

When someone asks you the “What are you thankful for?” question, consider giving more than a generic “my house and dear old Fido” answer.

Give them a glimpse into a cause that is close to your heart. Ending loneliness and isolation among our neighbors.

By sharing a bit of your heart, you’ll add richness to your relationship.

Or maybe in the case of eccentric Uncle Bill, you’ll have something else to talk about other than his prized collection of lizard skins.

Don’t know where to start?

Or if you’re already biting your nails just thinking about talking to your family…consider sharing this video:

In the heart of Portland video

This season, when you give connection and community, you give happiness and health.